From benighted towards acculturate

With the emergence of new dawn of revolution round the globe, man has transformed the way to its living hood and many other liabilities that are part and parcel to his life.
In this perspective the realization of a compact society based on a set of few commandments came into consideration and man soon molded the way of its corporeal in pursuit of a better social structure. The gist of this whole struggle was based on two theorems that are ethics and mannerism. Ethics has been derived from Greek word ethos meaning character.
Mannerism has its direct relevance with morality and morality comes from Latin Word moralis which means customs or manners.
There are few medical integrities in man that directly relate to his behavioural ecosytics. For example higher level of testosteron in body elevates the aggression level and such people feel pleasure in getting angry on others. Similarly bodily sensations affect directly on mood swings. Consequently for the promotion of social philanthropy it is demanded to provoke ethical construction of the society as a whole on solid infra structure
 Ethics and morality then seems to pertain to the individual character of a person or persons, and relationships between human beings. . In philosophy mannerism concentrates on human conduct and human values. Similarly ethics is also used to refer to a specific area of study: the area the code of conduct to live a well behavioral life. Ethics and mannerism concerns with the moral principles that control or influence a person`s behavior. They add to shape the conduct of a human being. Avoidance of evils and vices and observance of moral virtues are the fundamentals stone holders of Human society. Ethics is deliberated expressed in its phase called metaethicists or sometimes analytical ethics. They are supposed to subject towards the analyzation of ethical language (e.g., what we mean when we use the word good) and the rational foundations of ethical systems.
“Ethics seeks the principles that will tell us what is the right thing to do, or what things are worth doing, no matter what people in fact approve or disapprove and no matter what people will be damaged by the decision. It is not concerned at all with what public opinion on moral matters actually happens to be, but with what public opinion ought to be.” (Jones (ed) 1962: 6).
Utilitarianism, Values Clarification, , Situation Ethics, Ethical Realism, Legalistic Moralism Ethical hierarcicalism, Principle Ethics and Cognitive Moral Development are all the branches of ethical mannerism.


Islam has the distinctive capacity to transform its various theological tenets and values into practical and moral principles. Islam is the only religion which ensures the formation of a society based on the ties of mutual love, benevolence, acceptance, mercy, modesty and nobility. The way one articulates itself to contribute towards the establishment of a better society and the best interactive modes to develop relations with the members of the society has to tighten the above mentioned bonds.
Islam is the world’s ultimate religion that gives the most vivid and profuse definition of the construction of a beautiful social structure. Faith in Allah is the base of all the ethical life in Islam. This comprehensive and extensive approach develop a harmony and proportion of this universe negate all the angle of aimlessness.
 Holy Quran, the Ultimate revelation Of Allah SWT is a complete embodiment of all the teachings and instructions that code up human life with all its bounties and beauties.  Islamic Sharia was aimed to be established with the vision of illustrating sublime morals and cordial behaviors among its adherents to glorify their character so that they can effectively contribute to the general wellbeing of the people and to all the cosmos. As immorality is one of the main causes of a nation’s decline similarly morality is one of the central source of a nation’s strength. We as Muslims are privileged to be the believers of such a glorified religion that has given universal rights for humanity as a whole which serve as torch bearers in all the circumstances of life. There are several verses from Holy Quran which directly talk about mannerism of Ikhlaq. The Holy Prophet SAWW’s whole teachings and directives clearly demonstrate the values of Ikhlaq. The whole Quran is the practical epitome of Prophet’s life and his Sunnah as Sadiquah Ayesha (R.A) on one occasion said which means that Prophet’s acts are the practical implementation of the verses of Quran.
The word akhlaq appears in the Qur’an as Allah SWT says in al-Qalam:4  that says of the Prophet “Indeed, you are of lofty character” . This has given the term of Ehsan ul Khalqq to the majestic creation of all the creations of the world; the Holy Prophet SAWW.  In the same manner it appears in numerous hadiths affirming the inevitability and significance of ethics in Islam. An example is the hadith: “The most beloved of you to Allah are the best of you in character,”
Similarly at several places in Quran, Allah SWT intensifies the need of observing good manners and substantial morality so that human world could remain bounded by the connections of an unrestrainable social structure. In   Surat Al Baqarah verse 177 Allah Says;
“It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness (the quality of ) the one who believes in God and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; who spends of his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, to the needy, to the wayfarer, to those who ask and for the freeing of slaves; and who is steadfast in prayers, and gives Zakah (Alms); and those who fulfill their covenants which they made; and who are patient and perseverant in poverty and ailment and throughout all periods of fighting.  Such are the people of truth, the pious.”

Similarly at another place Allah Says;

“And march forth toward forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.  Those who spend (in the way of God) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon people; verily, God loves the doers of the good deeds.”  (Quran 3:133)
The last verdict of God addresses every aspect of a human life, from greetings to international relations. Morality supremacies on conceit, selfish desires and bad habits.   It has a universal scope and applicability.  Muslims are taught to spread the virtues along with the practical implementations on their own behalf. In order to remain morally healthy Muslims have their religious obligation to not only abstain from evil and vice but also must forbid them. This is the only way they can relish the world with the fragrance of saplings of peace and love that would sprout out into a fruitful tree with all the aromas multiplying enormously.
This book aims to contribute directly towards building a rational approach and analytical considerate of the concept of mannerism and ethics in Islam in the light of the mandates of the Glorious Quran and the teachings of the Prophet SAWW. it immerses all the social and the psychological ardent that pours in the transition of a society from bad to good and from good to better and excellent eventually. The volume is a gamut of series of illuminations that not only design a complete infrastructure of better social happenings but also manifestoes the individual reformation and ardency.

Rabia Chaudhary


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